

Pregnancy Care

This is your time to shine mama! One of the most beautiful times of your life is when your body carries and grows another human life. And with this time new challenges, adaptations, and discomforts can arise. Pelvic girdle, round ligament, low back, hip, jaw pain, and even carpal tunnel-like symptoms are common complaints I treat during pregnancy. Proper pelvic alignment in preparation for birth can remove tension from the uterus giving baby the most hospitable environment to live in until their arrival.


Postpartum Care

Now that your beautiful baby is here, your body is going through a whole new set of changes! I recommend coming as soon as you are able postpartum for gentle bodywork to correct postures your body has adopted during pregnancy that no longer serve you, for upper back tightness, low back and hip pain, abdominal wall separation evaluation and rehabilitation, cesarean and perineal scar healing modalities, or if you have clogged milk ducts. I highly recommend all mamas have a pelvic floor assessment after birth and start early gentle pelvic floor rehabilitation.


Scar Tissue Mobilization

Scar tissue is new tissue laid down by the body in response to injury. The new tissue is not organized in the same way as the rest of our tissue and with inflammation from healing can be tender to touch and have different sensation. Our bodies are very good at trying to protect us, but they are not as good at learning to relax and let go of the “physical” memory of trauma. By working on scar tissue with manual therapy, ultrasound, and laser, we can improve mobility between the layers creating less tension in the area, discomfort, and dysfunction. Having a cesarean birth myself I have felt a huge difference in overall body mobility by mobilizing and working on my cesarean scar. My scar therapy techniques work on any scar in the body.


Visceral Mobilization

When we think of musculoskeletal care most of us just think about muscles and joints and the outside of our body, the mobile container if you will. But we are not hollow! Our bodies are filled with important life-sustaining organs with significant mass that are attached to our somatic frame by fascia that has contractile properties as well as sensory qualities that our brain constantly monitors through enteroception. Our brain cares more about our organs like our liver and our major arteries than it does a shoulder for example, so by working on the fascial structures around organs we are able to communicate with the nervous system to affect the somatic frame and create better mobility.


Chiropractic Care for Infants

Chiropractic care is so important for infants as early in life as possible throughout adulthood. The goal of chiropractic care for infants is similar to adults. We assess the musculoskeletal system by looking at spinal alignment, symmetry, and muscular tension with the goal of taking pressure off the nervous system so babies are able to move and nurse properly, be comfortable in their own body, and develop properly. Exams thoroughly assess your baby’s development by examining primitive reflexes and milestones and treatment is gentle and safe with very light contact.


Pelvic Floor Therapy

The pelvic floor is a hot topic these days, which is great because everyone has one! It is part of our deep core musculature and is active during respiration and helps with load transfer through the body when we move. It is a sensitive and important area that we don’t tend to think of in the same way as the rest of our musculature. Do you leak urine when you laugh, sneeze, or cough? Do you have pain with intercourse? Are you having to urinate frequently especially at night? Do you have persistent hip or low back pain that hasn’t responded to other treatment? If you can answer yes to any of these you might be a good candidate for pelvic floor therapy.